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Privacy Policy (Easy Read)


Triangle Housing Association have information about you and the law says we must keep this information safe and secure.

We must let you know that we have this information and how we use it, this is called a Privacy Notice.

This is Triangle’s Privacy Notice and it will tell you:

  • Why Triangle needs information about you.
  • What Triangle does with information about you.
  • Type of information we keep about you.
  • How long we keep your information for.
  • Your rights around how your information is used.

Triangle as the Company & Data Controller and contact details

Triangle Housing is a Data Controller and decide how and why personal information is processed.

Our contact details are:

Triangle Housing Association
60 Eastermeade Gardens
BT53 6BD

Or email

Or telephone 028 2766 6880

Information about you that we may keep

Triangle may keep information about you to make sure that our services are safe and professional.

Information also helps us to give the best service including housing, care and support that we can.

Triangle might keep information such as:

  • Your basic details e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, national health number and emergency contact
  • Details of how you pay us for your tenancy, care or funding
  • How we support you
  • Your likes and dislikes
  • Details about your health
  • Details about your work experience and educational attainments

Triangle might collect, share and store your personal information because:

  • We have an agreement with you or your local health board to support you
  • It is the law
  • We have to give information to other organisations that we work with e.g. Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA)
  • We want to make our support better for you and other people at Triangle.

Triangle must follow the law when collecting, storing or sharing information about you. We apply something called ‘legitimate interest’ basis for the standard data and we use any health data for the management of social care systems.

How we may use your information

Triangle may use your information to:

  • Choose the support you might need
  • Keep you safe and healthy
  • Help you find work
  • Find out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the support you get

How we keep your information safe

Triangle will always keep your information private and safe.

The only people that we let see your information are:

  • People with permission
  • People who have the rights to see it by law
  • Your information will stay in the UK

People or organisations who may have a legal reason to see your information include:

  • Parts of the health and social care system, such as your GP, social workers or pharmacy
  • Your local health board
  • The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) 
  • The police or security services

How long we will keep your information for

We will only keep your information for as long as it is needed and 8 years after you leave.

The amount of time we keep information for will:

  • Be in line with the law and the rules set out by other organisations, such as the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA)
  • Depend on why it was needed in the first place.

Triangle has a policy for how long it keeps your data.

Your rights

The information we keep about you is yours.

We will make sure it is kept private and is only used properly.

You have these rights when it comes to your information:

  • You can ask to see a copy of the information we have about you.
  • If you think the information, we have about you is wrong, or has parts missing, you can ask us to correct it.
  • You can ask us to stop some of the ways that we use your information, e.g. while we correct certain information.
  • You can ask us to delete your information but there might be a reason for us to hold onto it if the law allows us. Please contact us if you want to do this.
  • You can ask us not to use your information for legitimate interests. (Legitimate interests are when we have a clear reason or benefit for using it.)

If we cannot do what you have asked, the Data Protection Officer will explain why.

Making a Complaint

You can write to our Data Protection Officer if you have questions, or you are not happy about the way we use your information.

You can do this yourself or ask someone who supports you to do this for you.

You also have the right to make a complaint if you think your data protection rights have been broken in any way by us, you can make a complaint to The Information Commissioner (ICO) who are the supervisory authority in the UK for data protection matters.

Send a letter to the ICO at:

The Information Commissioner’s Office - NI

3rd Floor
14 Cromac Place

Telephone: 0303 123 1114


Go to their website for further details on making a complaint:

Data protection complaints | ICO


Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Tick if you would like to receive information regarding services and news from Triangle Housing. We won't share your details with other companies. For more information about how we store your data view our privacy policy.

028 2766 6880