PROSPER (People, Resilience, Opportunities, Success, Participation, Employment and Results)
PROSPER provides intensive wrap-around support for economically inactive people, including those with disabilities, neurodiversity, autism and/or mental health issues to move towards sustained employment.
Taking an individualised approach, PROSPER supports individuals to achieve:
1. Employment/career progression
2. Numeracy and financial literacy
3. Accredited Qualifications including experiential learning
4. Inclusion
5. Reduced poverty
6. Increase health/wellbeing to achieve employability
Triangle as the lead partner of the PROSPER Consortium encompasses established delivery agents, with up to 25 years proven success in Employment/Training will equip participants with core, interpersonal skills, and self-confidence to thrive in the workplace and become net contributors to society.
Consortium partners are:
- Triangle ( Operating primarily in 5 council areas)
- Stepping Sones NI
- CAN (Compass Advocacy Network)
- Access Employment Ltd
- Appleby Trust
PROSPER operates in the following council areas:
- Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council
- Ards & North Down Borough Council
- Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council
- Belfast City Council
- Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council
- Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council
- Mid & East Antrim Borough Council
- Mid – Ulster District Council
- Newry, Mourne & Down District Council
Partners will provide holistic, wrap-around support, through innovative needs-led activities, supported by key staff. Building on the employment support initiatives previously delivered by these partners, PROSPER will work with participants to ensure they have the skills to find & sustain work and/or enhance their skills levels including basic and life skills.
Each individual’s journey will be determined by initial engagement, ongoing assessment and through progress made against SMART objectives, within their Personal Development Plan, enabling them to:
1. Increase practical work competency levels, secure and sustain employment.
2. Increase educational attainment and skills levels including numeracy skills.
3. Increase core competency levels in respect of basic skills and life skills.
This will be achieved via:
Long Pathway
Participation in intensive in-house, work experience across a range of employment areas which reflect vocational profiling and identified skills gaps. Examples include retail, catering, horticulture, manufacturing, and design print. Ranging from 1-3 days per week, for a period of 6 weeks to 12 months. Staff ensure tasks are achievable, enabling participants to develop skills and confidence. With time, they will be able to complete tasks without support, enabling them to progress to external work placements with local employers and into employment.
Medium Pathway
Following vocational profiling, an external work placement will be secured to suit both individual and employer. The matching process is paramount; an employment officer will work in line with the individual and build links with suitable employers utilising the “Place-Train-Maintain-Progress” approach and the Training in Systematic Instruction methodology. A placement agreement will be drawn up to formally plan the support that will be given, and to manage expectations.
Short Pathway
“Step Into Academies” and direct support to gain employment.
Following vocational profiling the participant will step into a short-term vocational training programme aligned to their aspirational Employment Action Plan. Including accredited and non-accredited training and numeracy modules. Training takes place in employer specific and small group learning environments. Participants are guaranteed a job interview and only employers with verified vacancies can participate.
Once employment is secured project staff provide regular ongoing support for up to six months. Employment Officers will also provide direct support with CV writing, Job searching, interview skills/preparation and support individuals to access employment to suit their aspirations and career goal.
Additionally, the programme will take participants through a wide variety of accredited and non-accredited personal development and vocational courses up to level 2. Designed to increase skills levels, particularly important with relatively poor educational attainment out-comes (UKSPF Investment Plan NI). Training is a key step on the pathway to employment.
Experienced tutors ensure delivery methods meet learner needs, and will seek to maximise engagement, through interaction and practical sessions. Courses also provide numeracy and core life skills, such as money management, independent travel, cooking/shopping, online purchasing as well as self-confidence, personal safety, mental health, and employability. Duration of sessions varies in accordance with competencies and needs identified in their employment action plan.